How To Fix A Blown Speaker (Updated Guide 2023)

Speakers are one of the most critical parts of any audio system, and when they break, it can be a real pain. You were jamming out to your favorite tunes and suddenly your speakers stopped working. 

What do you do? It’s not the end of the world, but it sure feels like it when your music is silenced. You have a few options for how to fix a blown speaker, but which one is best for you? 

There are a few different ways to fix a blown speaker, but not all of them are equally effective. We can help! 

This guide will walk you through the steps on how to fix a blown speaker using easy-to-follow instructions. Plus, we’ll give you tips on what to do if this happens again in the future so let’s start!

How to fix a blown speaker? (Step By Step Guide)

The first step is to figure out what caused the speaker to blow in the first place. There are a few different things that could have happened, and each one requires a different fix.

1. Check the warranty

Check the warranty
Credit: onsitego

First, check to see if the speaker is still under warranty. If so, you may be able to get a replacement from the manufacturer. If not, you can try troubleshooting the speaker yourself.

2. Examine your speakers

Examine your speaker

Next, check all the connections to make sure they are secure. If they are, try gently tapping on the speaker to see if the sound quality improves. If not, you can try opening up the speaker and checking for loose wires or damaged components such as a coil.

If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, you can take the speaker to a local electronics store or repair shop. They should be able to diagnose the problem and fix it for you.

3. Use a multimeter to check the resistance of your speaker

Use a multimeter
Credit: virtuosocentral

To check the speaker’s resistance, you should have a multimeter. This will help you to determine if the speaker is blown. If the resistance is too high, the speaker is likely blown and needs to be replaced.

4. Confirm that your speakers are receiving enough power

The most common cause of a blown speaker is too much power running through it. This can happen if you turn the volume up too high or if the amplifier is set too high. If this is the case, you’ll need to turn down the volume or the amp so that the speaker doesn’t get overloaded again.

If the cause is too much power, then you need to be careful in the future not to overload the speaker again. You can do this by turning down the volume on your stereo or by using a different amplifier.

5. Look for Short Circuit

Look for Short Circuit

Blown speakers can also be caused by short circuits. This can happen if there is something wrong with the wiring or if the speaker itself is damaged. If you suspect a short circuit, you’ll need to take the speaker to a professional to have it repaired.

You will need to have the speaker repaired by a professional if it is a short circuit. This is because short circuits can be dangerous and they can cause other damage to your audio system.

6. Check for any physical damage to your speaker

physical damage to your speaker

 When your speaker displays any physical damage, it is likely to be blown. This can happen if the speaker was dropped or if it was hit by something. If the speaker is damaged, you’ll need to replace it.

7. Identify the problem and replace the blown part

If you have a warranty, the first step is to check and see if your speaker is covered. If it is, great! You can save yourself some money and hassle by getting a replacement from the manufacturer. If your speaker is not covered by a warranty, or if you simply want to try fixing it yourself, there are a few things you can do to fix it:

Step 1: Once you have identified the problem and that is physical damage, such as a ripped or torn cone. In other cases, there may not be any visible damage, but you may be able to hear that the sound is distorted or ‘blown.’

Step 2: You can try to repair the damage by soldering a new piece of wire to the torn cone. This is a delicate process and requires a steady hand, so if you’re not confident in your abilities, it’s best to take the speaker to a professional.

Step 3: If the damage is more than just a tear in the cone, you’ll need to replace the entire speaker. This is a fairly simple process, but if you’re not confident in your abilities, it’s best to take the speaker to a professional.

Step 4: Once you have replaced the speaker, you’ll need to test it to make sure it’s working properly. The best way to do this is to hook it up to an amplifier and play some music. If the speaker sounds normal, then you’re all set! If not, then you may need to adjust the amplifier or try a different speaker. 

Here’s how to adjust the amplifier:

  • Turn the amplifier on and set the volume to a low setting.
  • Slowly turn up the volume until you can hear the music clearly.
  • If the sound is distorted, turn down the volume until it sounds clear again.
  • Once you have the perfect sound, you’re all done!

Tips to prevent the speaker from getting blown up

1. Check the impedance of your speaker. If it is too low, it will be easier to blow up the speaker.

2. Do not use an amplifier that is too powerful for your speaker. This can easily lead to the destruction of your speaker.

3. Be careful when connecting or disconnecting your speaker from an amplifier or other audio source. If you do it too roughly, you could damage the speaker or the amplifier.

4. Avoid playing your speaker at high volumes for extended periods. This can lead to damage to the speaker components and eventually blowing up the speaker.

5. Take proper care of your speaker in general. Keep it clean and dry, and do not expose it to extreme temperatures. These factors can all contribute to speaker damage and eventually blowing up the speaker.

6. If you notice any strange sounds coming from your speaker, or if it starts to crackle or distort, turn it off immediately. Then take it to a professional for repair. Continuing to use a damaged speaker will only make the problem worse and could eventually lead to the speaker blowing up.

7. Be mindful of where you place your speaker. If it is in a position where it can be easily knocked over or otherwise damaged, this could also lead to the speaker being damaged beyond repair.

8. In general, just use common sense and be careful with your speaker. Treat it with respect and it should last you for many years without any problems. However, if you do happen to blow up your speaker, don’t despair – it is possible to replace the damaged parts and get it working again.


A blown speaker can be a frustrating problem, but it is usually caused by one of four things: too much power, a short circuit, poor quality, or damage. If you take care of your speaker and use it properly, you can avoid this problem altogether. 

The speaker can be fixed if it blows up, however. Just take it to a professional and they’ll help you get your speaker working again or you can do it yourself if you’re feeling handy.

We hope this guide has helped show you how to fix a blown speaker. Remember, if the problem persists, you may need to invest in a new speaker. But with these tips, you should be able to get your music back up and running in no time! Thanks for reading!


Is it possible to repair a blown speaker?

It is possible to repair a blown speaker, but the degree of difficulty may vary depending on the type and severity of the damage. Generally speaking, if there is no physical damage to the speaker itself (e.g., the voice coil is still intact), then it may be possible to repair it by replacing or repairing the damaged component(s). However, if there is extensive physical damage, then it may not be possible or economically feasible to repair it.

What causes a blown speaker?

A blown speaker is usually caused by a short circuit in the voice coil. This can be due to a number of factors, such as age, moisture, or wear and tear.

How much is it to fix a blown speaker?

The cost to get your blown car speakers fixed or replaced can range from $300 to $500.

Parag Banerjee
Parag Banerjee

Parag Banerjee is an experienced Search Engine Optimizer. He has a wide knowledge of Google Updates, Analytics, and many others. He studied Computer Application from Techno India.

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