Where to Place a Subwoofer? (5 Steps to Consider)

Finding it hard to place the Subwoofer in a perfect spot? But, in general, irrespective of the room, it will perfectly fit in every spot because it is the interaction that defines its performance.

Still, if you want to place it in an area, where it can provide an improving overall sound, then you need to go through some trial and error and remember that that is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

There are many factors that you need to consider that can affect the sound quality such as – the dimension of the room, surface area, furniture, and the room’s geometric configuration affect the base frequency. You can also add acoustic treatment to your room or experiment with any strategic sub-placement to deal with any sound issue.

Now, let’s try to balance out the best response and find the clear sound output and the location where you should place the subwoofer.

5 Steps to Follow to Detect the Ideal Place for Subwoofer

To enhance the music listening experience you need to place the subwoofer at a perfect place.

Step 1: Follow the Rules of Thirds 

When a sound wave gets reflected, it doubles back, so you will find the perfect spots in the room that will excite the room mode when compared with others. So, you need to place the subwoofer about a third of the way from the wall into the room and it will produce the most even bass response. Alternatively, you can also try to spot the area which is one-fifth of the way into the room.

Step 2: Present a Unified Front

You can align the subwoofer to a vertical plane which will act as a speaker. This will also improve the entire system’s performance. You can also eliminate acoustic issues like phase cancellation by minimizing timing delay between the speakers. This will also result in more precise imaging and localization and you will get a better timing accuracy. Moreover, this adjustment does not need any investment and it will also make it optimize and fine-tune the system performance.

Step 3: Avoid the Walls and Corners 

If you are placing the subwoofer at a corner or against the world, then it can create an acoustic amplifier which would boost the base. If you have a small amplifier, then this adjustment can lead to the sound being gloomy. However, if you have no other workaround, then place it along a wall and then try to locate a corner and pull the subwoofer at least 18 inches away from the wall, which would minimize the base build-up.

Step 4: Fine-tuning the Placement 

After you have located the potential area where you can place the subwoofer, it’s time to fine-tune using the technique called “Subwoofer crawl”. Based on this technique, you have to place the subwoofer in a desired listening spot which would be idle for ear level, and put on a bass-heavy track or action movie sequence. 

Now, start crawling around the room and as you move around you will be able to detect where the bass sounds are weak, unbalanced, or unstable. So, take note of the places, and when you find the base sound to be consistent and smooth mark the area and move the subwoofer to this spot. You can also micro-adjust the position of the subwoofer for optimal performance.

Step 5: Consider Room Limitations

When it comes to a room other than the wall ceiling or floor, there is also furniture that has an impact on the acoustic version. So, try to rearrange the counters of the table to break up the standing wave and this should also improve the base clarity. 

Alternatively, do not even try to place the subwoofer inside of a cabinet, but if this is the last option left, then position it in such a way that the driver faces out into the room. You also need to make sure that the amplifier panel does not face outwards. Also, if you love experimenting, then you can put the subwoofer under the table or behind the couch to get a balanced bass.

Tips To Consider While Locating The Ideal Placement Of Subwoofers

There are certain factors that you need to consider while finding the right placement for the subwoofer, such as –

  • You need to consider the chords lying across the floor are subject to wear and tear over time.
  • Randomly lying wires can also damage the wire connection between the subwoofer and the receiver.
  • If you have a pet, then it can also chew the wire leading to a damaged audio system, so keep it safe.
  • Consider the corners and walls as if the subwoofer is placed close to a flat wall, then the sound can be unpleasant. 
  • If the subwoofer has a ported design, then you need to keep it away from the wall to allow air to flow through the port.

Where Does The Subwoofer Work Best?

The subwoofer works best when placed in the front half of the listening space. To reduce the timing delays and phase cancellation, you can place them closer to the front-channel loudspeaker.

Parag Banerjee
Parag Banerjee

Parag Banerjee is an experienced Search Engine Optimizer. He has a wide knowledge of Google Updates, Analytics, and many others. He studied Computer Application from Techno India.

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