Are Smart Speakers a Health Hazard? (Secrets You Should Know)

When you think of smart speakers, you probably don’t think of health hazards. You might imagine that a device that can play music, answer phone calls, or even read text messages to you would be a lifesaver. But if you haven’t considered the health risks associated with smart speakers, then you should. But how safe are these devices? Is it worth the risk?

We’ll take a look at some of the issues, including the dangers of exposure to radiation, electromagnetic waves, and the quality of the speakers themselves. This post will help you decide whether these devices are a good fit for your life and your family.

Are smart speakers a health hazard?

The World Health Organisation has recently said that smart speakers may pose a health hazard because of the high levels of radiation they emit. This is because the speakers transmit information to a server, which in turn sends it back to the speaker. The WHO has recommended limiting your exposure to smart speakers, particularly children, and pregnant women because they are more susceptible to radiation.

Moreover, research has shown that listening to music on a smart speaker for more than an hour a day can shorten your attention span and make you dumber. The reason for this is that smart speakers use artificial intelligence, known as machine learning, to improve their voice recognition capabilities.

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What are the potential harms?

The risk of harm from exposure to radiation from smart speakers is much less than the risk of harm from radiation from cell phones. But the potential for harm from exposure to electromagnetic waves is real. Let’s find out how can we save ourselves.

How might we make them safer?

Naturally, we can reduce our exposure to radiation. This can be done by choosing smart speakers that don’t emit radiation. This includes smart speakers that have a microphone instead of a speaker, such as Amazon’s Echo Plus.

It’s also important to use the speakers at least 15cm away from your body. If you don’t, then you can be exposed to the radiation.

What are the Effects of Smart Speakers on Human Health?

The effects of smart speakers on human health are largely unknown. However, smart speakers do emit Wi-Fi radiation, which could be harmful to our health. According to the World Health Organisation, the effects of RF-EMR on the brain include:

  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Skin rashes
  • Reduced IQ
  • Headaches
  • Memory problems
  • Decreased attention
  • Lowered productivity
  • Depression
  • Reduced brain activity

However, not all of these effects are due to the radiation itself. Some are because of the noise emitted by the speakers, and others are due to the sound quality.

What are the Risks of Using Smart Speakers?

Definitely, the main risk is the radiation that smart speakers emit. As mentioned above, smart speakers use radio frequency (RF) technology to connect to the internet. The radiation they emit is called radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR). The effects of RF-EMR on human health are largely unknown. 

However, it’s clear that prolonged exposure to RF-EMR is dangerous. This is because it can interfere with the functioning of the human body.

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Smart speakers and the brain: Effects 

The brain is the most important organ in the body. It controls our thoughts, emotions, and behavior. This is why the effects of smart speakers on the brain are a serious concern. In fact, researchers have found that listening to music on a smart speaker for more than an hour a day can make you dumber.

The WHO has recently reported that the brain is the most sensitive organ to RF-EMR radiation. This is because the brain is a highly sensitive organ that is constantly changing. This means that the brain is more vulnerable to RF-EMR radiation than other organs.

RF-EMR radiation can damage the brain. This can be a major health risk for people who are regularly exposed to RF-EMR radiation. This is because the brain is the most important organ in terms of its function.

How to use smart speakers safely?

Smart speakers are designed to be used hands-free and always listening, which means you shouldn’t be too afraid to use them even in your own home. But you do need to be smart about how you use them.

It’s important to be safe when using smart speakers. This means using the wake word, which is the word you need to say in order for your smart speaker to start listening and recording your request. Each device has a different wake word.

Obviously, you don’t want to be blasting your music at 100 decibels all day and night, but if you’re going to use them, it’s wise to keep them at a volume that won’t cause damage to your hearing.

How to limit your exposure to EMFs from smart speakers?

There are a number of ways to limit your exposure to EMFs from smart speakers.

Step 1: The first step is to turn off your smart speaker when it’s not in use. If you don’t use it, turn it off.

Step 2: If you have a smart speaker in your bedroom and you’re concerned about EMF exposure, you can limit your exposure by putting your smart speaker on the other side of the room, or even behind a wall.

Step 3: The best way is to turn off the Wi-Fi connection on the smart speaker, but that’s not possible if you’re using it for an Amazon Alexa skill. Instead, you can connect your smart speaker to a Bluetooth speaker and not use Wi-Fi at all.


We have found that smart speakers are useful for listening to music. However, we also know that they can cause health risks. If you’re concerned about these health risks, you should use them carefully and limit your exposure to them. 

We hope you learned a lot from this article! Thanks for reading

Parag Banerjee
Parag Banerjee

Parag Banerjee is an experienced Search Engine Optimizer. He has a wide knowledge of Google Updates, Analytics, and many others. He studied Computer Application from Techno India.

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