How To Disconnect Someone From Bluetooth Speaker? [2023 Guide]

For my 23rd birthday, I decided to treat myself to a Bluetooth speaker. Little did I know that I would soon be in the frustrating situation of needing to disconnect someone else’s device – by mistake or otherwise – from my new purchase! After some trial and error, I’ve learned a few tips that may help you out if you find yourself in a similar predicament. Read on to learn how to smoothly kick Bluetooth interlopers off your loyal speaker!

Hi, I’m here to provide step-by-step instructions on how to disconnect someone from your Bluetooth speaker. Anyone can quickly establish a connection between their device and your speaker, so it’s important to be aware of who is connected and how they got access.

The process is simple, but there are a few tips that you should definitely remember before getting started. First, make sure the device you want to disconnect is powered off or that it’s been disconnected from the speaker before attempting to disconnect them. Also, you’ll need to know which type of Bluetooth protocol your speaker supports as different speakers require slightly different methods for completing the disconnection process.

Finally, if you don’t feel comfortable following the steps below then I highly recommend consulting with the user manual for your specific model of Bluetooth speaker to ensure that all steps are followed properly. Once you have double-checked everything then you should be good to get started!

Identifying the Bluetooth Speaker

The first step to disconnecting someone from a Bluetooth speaker is to find and identify the speaker. Depending on the type of Bluetooth speaker you have, it may involve turning it off or removing its power source. On many wireless speakers, there will be a physical button for checking the connection status of your device, as well as a single button for disconnecting from it.

You can usually access this menu by pressing and holding the middle power button. Make sure your speaker is visible on the list so that you can proceed to the next step.

Understanding the Disconnection Process

Understanding the disconnection process for a Bluetooth speaker can be tricky, but after a little research and some personal experience, I am now adept at making the necessary changes to my devices. Here is how you too can quickly and easily disconnect your Bluetooth speaker from your device.

Firstly, it’s important to know that the procedure will vary between devices, as well as between brands and models of speakers. Depending on which type of device you’re trying to pair or disconnect with your speaker, it may take a few tries until you find the right combination of steps.

Once you have identified the correct buttons or menus to use on both devices (i.e., phone and speaker), make sure they are within range of each other so they can pick up each other’s signals. On your phone or device usually found in settings or connectivity options like ‘Bluetooth’ – turn off Bluetooth so it stops sending signals which will cause the connection to be severed instantly.

On larger speakers, there is sometimes an on/off switch which when flicked will cut all connections automatically without having to use any other steps for further control. It is also possible that depending on its brand and model some speakers might include additional features such as a “forget this device” button that you should press before any attempt at disconnecting so that any residual codes linking them are cleared completely. Finally, don’t forget about checking basic things such as battery life – weak batteries can affect performance and functionality significantly!

Preparing to Disconnect

I wanted to disconnect my phone from a Bluetooth speaker, so I started by looking for any indicators on the speaker that might tell me which device it was connected to. I looked for a volume icon, which can indicate if there is something currently connected through Bluetooth, or a name that gives an indication of the type of device.

Once I identified the connection being used for the speaker, I then needed to locate that same connection on my phone. For iPhones or iPads, you can locate it in Settings and then Bluetooth. All other devices will typically have this option accessible in their settings menu as well.

When the list of connections comes up on your device you will be able to identify the one being used for your Bluetooth speaker and select it followed by “Disconnect” or “Forget“. This will disconnect your device from the speaker system and prepare it for another connection.

Check Also: Top 7 Best Bluetooth Speakers Under $500

Disconnecting the Bluetooth Speaker

If you’re trying to disconnect someone from your Bluetooth speaker, there are a few basic steps to take:

  1. Make sure that your device is powered on and connected to the Bluetooth speaker.
  2. Open the settings on your device and select “Bluetooth”.
  3. You should see a list of any devices that are currently connected, so look for the name of the person you want to disconnect.
  4. On some Bluetooth devices, there will be an “Unpair” option that you can select in order to disconnect them. If this option is not available, try selecting “Forget” – this will stop the device from connecting automatically in the future but won’t prevent other devices from connecting.
  5. On other devices, you may need to simply turn off Bluetooth or switch it back on again in order for it to work properly.
  6. Once this is done and your device shows that it is no longer connected to the speaker product, then you have successfully disconnected them!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you’re having trouble disconnecting someone from your Bluetooth speaker, here are some common issues and troubleshooting tips that may help you.

  • First, make sure your device is powered on and in range of the speaker. If the two devices are out of range or one is powered off, then you won’t be able to access the settings. Move closer together to bring both devices back into range.
  • Next, check whether the pairing has been “forgotten” by one of the devices. To do this on your phone, go to Settings > Bluetooth and find if any of the entries in the list have a blue circle with a checkmark next to them. This indicates that something on this device is connected to a Bluetooth device nearby even though it isn’t visible on the list. Tap on one of these entries and select “Forget Device” to disconnect it from its current paired connection.
  • Another issue could be that you don’t have an administrator account on your Bluetooth speaker that allows you control over who can connect and disconnect from it. Depending on your model, there may be separate admin accounts with different levels of control over pairing apps or clearing all pairings from a device altogether (which is what will often remedy stubborn cases). Consult your user manual for more information about managing accounts for individual Bluetooth devices connected to yours.
  • Finally, if none of these troubleshooting tips help resolve your connectivity issues, there may be a problem with either device itself or the connection between them. It might be time to reset both devices—but make sure all other users know they’ll need set up again afterward—or contact customer support services for further assistance with resolving any underlying problems with either machine’s system software or hardware components.


Overall, the process of disconnecting someone from a Bluetooth speaker is fairly straightforward. Once you know how to access the settings menu on your device, it’s simply a matter of selecting the option to disconnect the other person and then re-pairing or connecting your own device. This process can be done in a few minutes and should provide you with full control over who is paired with and who uses your Bluetooth speaker.

By keeping these few simple steps in mind, you’ll be able to easily disconnect someone from a Bluetooth speaker without any issues or headaches:

  • Access the settings menu on your device
  • Select the option to disconnect the other person
  • Repair or connect your own device

Whether you are trying to keep others from using your device or just wanting to switch users quickly and efficiently, these simple instructions can help make it possible.

You May Check: the 7 Best Bluetooth Speakers Under $300


If you need help disconnecting someone from your Bluetooth speaker, there are a plethora of resources available to help. Searching online can provide guidance on the steps needed to disconnect a user, but you can also check your owner’s manual or consult with the customer service of your device manufacturer.

In addition to these options, other Bluetooth users may have helpful advice they can provide through forums or social media. Multi-user devices like speakers often have instructions built into their design that make it easy to accommodate multiple users’ connections and disconnections.

It’s important to remember that technology isn’t always perfect and sometimes devices may not follow their intended instructions. If you run into a problem with pairing or disconnecting your device, research is always an excellent starting point for resolving technical issues.


Can I connect a Bluetooth speaker when someone else is connected?

Yes, multiple devices can connect to a Bluetooth speaker at the same time. However, only one device can play audio through the speaker at a time. To connect a new device, the speaker must first be disconnected from the current device.

Can you interrupt someone’s Bluetooth connection?

It is not recommended to interrupt someone’s Bluetooth connection as it may cause issues with both devices. Instead, ask the person to disconnect the device before attempting to connect on your own.

Parag Banerjee
Parag Banerjee

Parag Banerjee is an experienced Search Engine Optimizer. He has a wide knowledge of Google Updates, Analytics, and many others. He studied Computer Application from Techno India.

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